+36 20 495 5804

History of Aberdeen Angus

The history of the Aberdeen Angus (Black Angus) breed dates back to the 1870s in Scotland. It was here that the breeding of this now globally popular and market-leading beef cattle breed began. The Aberdeen Angus is characterized by its elegant, fine-boned stature, noble head, muscular neck, and straight back. It is non-aggressive, very gentle, calm, and easy to handle. Genetically hornless, its color is mostly black, although there are hidden red pigments and rarely completely red variants.

The cows have excellent maternal qualities, calve easily, and produce enough milk to raise their calves. This breed matures early, and heifers can be used for breeding at the age of 13 to 15 months, depending on weight and body structure. It is extremely economical and has an excellent ability to utilize pasture and feed. The Aberdeen Angus adapts perfectly to various environments and weather conditions.

It has a high meat yield of top quality. Due to its fine-fibered, well-marbled meat structure, the breed is highly sought after.

Aberdeen Angus Breeding Animal

In the beef cattle sector, various production goals can be pursued. Apart from a few exceptions, the main goal is the production of the end product: meat. However, the production of high-quality meat requires strict regulations. Depending on the vision of the livestock farmer and the available resources, they choose the breed with the most suitable characteristics and decide on the appropriate form of husbandry.

After extensive and targeted research focused on international markets, we decided on the Aberdeen Angus breed. Our decision was based on the evaluation of the following value-determining characteristics:

The Aberdeen Angus is a gentle, calm, and easy-to-handle breed.
It is genetically hornless, which can often avoid a safety hazard.
Excellent maternal qualities.
Early sexual maturity.
Excellent ability to efficiently utilize pastures and feed.
Optimal adaptability to various environments and weather conditions.
Produces top-quality, high-grade meat.

We do everything to ensure that our name is a guarantee. Whether it’s breeding animal or meat, we strive to achieve the best possible quality.

Our personal breeding goals are:
Excellent reproduction capacity
Natural, easy calving without assistance
Premium meet quality
Calm character

Are you interested in our breeding animals?

We welcome your inquiries at one of our contacts.


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