+36 20 495 5804

Premium Beef

Bora beef

Today, international haute cuisine is unimaginable without Angus beef. Angus has become a brand associated worldwide with the highest enjoyment value. In the age of globalization and under the influence of international trends, the demand for high-quality beef is also growing in our country. Consumers are becoming more conscious and demanding. They require traceability of the meat, avoid unknown sources, and prefer safe and healthy food from trusted sources.

More than just organic. Grass Fed Beef.

Modern humans can draw from abundance. But what aspects should be considered? What criteria should guide decisions, and what should one focus on to make the right choice?

A nutrient-maximized diet is hardly imaginable without animal proteins. Many studies confirm this; some vitamins, minerals, and trace elements are hardly replaceable from alternative sources. However, it plays a crucial role in which animal proteins we consume.

Cattle that enjoy grazing and free-range husbandry can, thanks to their special stomach structure, convert their natural food into high-quality proteins. These are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and E, as well as linoleic acid, an important antioxidant that plays a significant role in the optimal functioning of the immune system.

However, if they are not fed their natural diet, the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in their bodies shifts in favor of omega-6, which has an inflammatory effect.

If HEALTHY NUTRITION is at the top of our criteria list, we are compelled to choose 100% GRASS FED, that is, PASTURE BEEF, and not beef fed in barns.


“Bora Beef” comes from cattle that are about 2 years old. At this age, the meat already has a characteristic, typical flavor.


The meat is packaged after at least 21 days of aging. During the aging process, it becomes tender and juicy.


The sale is carried out in kitchen-ready, labeled vacuum packaging.

Beef from Organic Farming

Our customers can choose from the following options:

Ground beef
Meat for goulash (diced)
Thick Flank
Sirloin steak
Rib-eye (entrecôte)
Roast beef (striploin)
Tenderloin (filet)

Additionally, we have a popular 10 kg “MIX package” that is highly appreciated by housewives and offers a lower price per kilogram than individual selections. The excellent “nose-to-tail” utilization ensures variety and creativity in the kitchen.

Bio grass-fed beef

The high-quality “Bora Beef” from controlled ecological (bio) farming provides its consumers with maximum satisfaction and a guarantee with its many preparation options.

Stresszmentes vágás

A legkiválóbb genetika, a leggondoskodóbb tartásmód is kárba veszhet, ha nem fektetünk hasonlóan nagy hangsúlyt a termelési folyamat egyik legkritikusabb szakaszára, a marha vágására. Tudományos kutatások bizonyítják, hogy az állatot érő stressz által beindult biológiai folyamatok hátrányosan befolyásolják, csökkentik a hús minőségét.

Ennek kivédésére egyetlen mód van: a szállítás nélküli, nyugodt, megszokott környezetben és ismert emberek között történő vágás. A nemrég épült vágóhidunk egy mérföldkő az értékes, kiváló minőségi hús előállításában. Ezzel párhuzamosan végsőkig garantálni tudjuk az állatainkkal szembeni kíméletes bánásmód betartását.
